Lassen County Drought Resilience Plan

The Lassen County Planning and Building Services Department (Department), at the direction of the County Board of Supervisors, has initiated a program to develop County Drought Resilience Plan for Domestic Wells and State Small Water Systems (5-14 connections) throughout the county. Being prepared will help reduce hardships and improve our community’s water supply resiliency.

This effort responds to requirements of Senate Bill (SB) 552, legislation signed by Governor Gavin Newsom in September 2021. SB 552 requires all counties to improve drought and water shortage preparedness for State Small Water Systems and Domestic Wells within a county’s jurisdiction by establishing a standing Drought and Water Shortage Task Force (Task Force) and developing a County Drought Resilience Plan (County DRP).

The objective of SB552 is to establish a process for state and local governments to share the responsibility in preparing and acting in the case of a water shortage event. These collaborative efforts seek to improve the ability of Californians to manage future droughts and help prevent catastrophic impacts on drinking water for communities vulnerable to impacts of climate change.

The County Drought Resilience Plan will address the diverse range of risks that Domestic Well and State Small Water System users in Lassen County face. This plan will include county - and water system-specific response actions (enacted during drought or water shortage conditions) that address the specific needs of affected residents.

To support preparation of the Lassen County Drought Resilience Plan, the Department applied for and has received Direct Technical Assistance through the California Department of Water Resources’ County Drought Resilience Planning Assistance Program. This support will assist the county in preparation of a Drought Resilience Plan as described in the DWR County Drought Resilience Plan Guidebook and DWR’s Water Shortage Vulnerability Tool. Visit the link below to learn more.

County Drought and Water Shortage Task Force

The standing Task Force is a requirement of California Water Code Section 10609.70.  Appropriate representatives from the state and other local governments, including groundwater sustainability agencies, community-based organizations, local water suppliers and local residents will be invited to meetings of the Drought and Water Shortage Task Force.

Questions or Comments

Questions or comments may be submitted to Planning and Building Services Department Deputy Director Gaylon Norwood by email at, by phone at (530) 251-8269, or at the public assistance counter located at 707 Nevada Street, Suite 5, Susanville, CA 96130.

Plan Adoption

Once a draft Drought Resilience Plan is prepared and recommended for approval by the Drought and Water Shortage Task Force, it will be presented to the County Board of Supervisors who will consider its adoption at a noticed meeting.

For More Information


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Contact Information

707 Nevada Street Ste 5
96130 Susanville , CA
Mon - Fri:
7:00 am-12:00 pm , 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Sat - Sun:
Inspection Line
Fax Line
(530) 251-8373