In honor of National Public Health Week, Lassen County Public Health is joining the initiative to help our nation have the healthiest population in one generation by 2030. National Public Health Week will be April 3rd through April 9th and the Public Health department will be celebrating each day with a different theme and activity.

April 3rd, Mascot Monday
Jeremy the Germ, Vicky Virus and Dandy the Smokeless Dragon will visit Fletcher Walker Elementary in Westwood in the morning and drop in to businesses in Susanville in the afternoon. See if you can spot them and have your picture taken with your favorite mascot and post it to Lassen County Public Health’s Facebook page! If you take your picture with the Public Health crew at three locations you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card from JKP Photography.

April 4th, Total Prevention Tuesday
Total Prevention Tuesday will be held at the Public Health Department at 1445 Paul Bunyan Road Suite B (look for the banner) from 1:00 to 5:00p.m. Come join the Public Health department to learn about ways to stay healthy by preventing health hazards. You can learn about lead poisoning prevention, tobacco use reduction, safe birth control options, information on Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention, immunizations, SIDS risk reduction and safe sleep environments, and get your blood pressure checked.

April 5th, Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday will consist of a challenge at your workplace to get everyone out walking for their breaks, the National Public Health Week’s 1 Billion Steps Challenge at, and yoga in the park at Memorial Park from 3:45 to 4:30. The first 25 participants will receive a special prize. Bring a large towel.

April 6th, Thoughtful Thursday
Thoughtful Thursday will be a social media event on Public Health’s Facebook page including stress reduction techniques, positive parenting ideas, Be Better Every Day, information on postpartum depression and perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

April 7th, Fun Fitness Friday
Fun Fitness Friday, come play and exercise with the health department! They will be setting up fun relays and an obstacle course at Memorial Park from 1:00 to 4:00p.m., along with jump ropes, Frisbees, hula hoops, kites and a giant parachute. They will even have giant hamster balls that you can roll around in!

April 8th, Healthy Selfie Saturday
Healthy Selfie Saturday, come join crew at Memorial Park for the Walk a Mile in Their Shoes event from 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m., take selfies, come by the booths and sample the chili at the chili cook-off! Take selfies of your family doing something healthy and post it to the public health department’s website and Facebook.

April 9th, Safe Start Sunday
Safe Start Sunday includes media information about ways to have a healthy pregnancy, healthy baby teeth, good oral health, food safety and being prepared.
