Lassen County is currently working on a Regional Area Plan Update that will combine the Susanville Vicinity Area Plan, Johnstonville Area Plan and Richmond/Gold Run Area Plan. This Regional Area Plan will include areas not currently part of an adopted Area Plan such as Lake Forest. More information will be provided on this page as this project develops.

Email Contact and Mailing List

If you have questions/comments or want to be on the email list to receive any updates on the Lassen County Regional Area Plan, please contact Steve Peterson at the following email: 

What is an Area Plan?

An Area Plan is a detailed planning document that provides a vision and regulatory framework for the development and use of a specific geographic area. It is often used to guide growth, development, and land use, ensuring that it aligns with General Plan.

Where is the planning area?

As shown in the following map, the Regional Area Plan Update (Plan) area is situated along the southern edge of Lassen County, immediately outside the city of Susanville, serving as a vital connection point between rural communities and the broader regional infrastructure. Regional access is available through several major highways, including California State Routes 44, 36, 139, and U.S. Highway 395. These routes provide critical transportation corridors for local and regional traffic, linking the area to surrounding counties and the rest of California. The Plan encompasses a diverse range of communities, primarily Johnstonville, Richmond/Gold Run, the Susanville Vicinity, and Lake Forest Vicinity.

Why is the County Updating the Plans?

The Susanville Vicinity Area Plan was last updated in 1984, the Johnstonville Area Plan was last updated in 1987, and the Richmond/Gold Run Area Plan was last updated in 1993. These Area Plans no longer reflect the shifts within the community or the changing circumstances that influence the County’s future direction. Updating these plans is essential to address new development trends, community needs, environmental considerations, and economic conditions that have emerged over the past decades.

Area Plan Update Process

The Lassen County Regional Area Plan Update followed a structured, comprehensive approach organized into six key steps:

  • Vision and Guiding Principles

  • Technical Studies

  • Land Use Plan Area Plan

  • Update Public Review

  • Environmental Clearance

  • Plan Adoption

Background Report

A background report for a Regional Area Plan Update (Plan) is crucial in establishing a comprehensive foundation for the planning process. Its primary purpose is to thoroughly assess current Area Plans, including Johnstonville, Susanville Vicinity, and Richmond/Gold Run, which helps create a baseline for informed decision-making. This report is intended to guide stakeholders and decision-makers by clearly understanding the existing landscape, identifying both opportunities for growth and development and potential constraints such as regulatory limitations or environmental concerns. The background report supports the visioning and goal- setting stages by grounding the planning process in accurate and up-to-date information, ensuring that the Plan aligns with community needs and priorities.


Your input matters! The County Area Plan team will conduct a survey in January 2025 to allow you to share your perspectives and priorities for Lassen County.  Please visit this website next month to participate!

Upcoming Meetings

  • January 28, 2025 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at the Old Clubhouse, 470-835 Wingfield Rd, Susanville, CA 96130

  • January 29, 2025 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at Johnstonville Elementary School, 704-795 Bangham Lane, Susanville

  • January 30, 2025 from 5:30-8:pm at Jensen Hall, Lassen County Fairgrounds

Regional Area Plan will be developed in response to public and agency input and the guidance of Lassen County’s elected officials.

Environmental Report

The Califorina Environmental Quality Act analysis will be prepared in response to the Bouth Board of Supervisors identification of a potentially preferred alternative plan. 

If you would like more information, please contact the County's project outreach coordinator: Steve Peterson, Kimley-Horn,, 916-306-5209.


Regional Area Plan Update

Regional Area Plan Update Community Meetings Newsletter Ad.jpg

Contact Information: 

Contact Information

707 Nevada Street Ste 5
96130 Susanville , CA
Mon - Fri:
7:00 am-12:00 pm , 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Sat - Sun:
Inspection Line
Fax Line
(530) 251-8373